
Improved Regression Estimation of a Multivariate Relationship with Population Data on the Bivariate Relationship

Regression coefficients specify the partial effect of a regressor on the dependent variable. Sometimes the bivariate or limited multivariate relationship of that regressor variable with the dependent variable is known from population-level data. We …

Persistent Inequality? Answers from Hybrid Models for Longitudinal Data

Many questions in social research must be evaluated over time. For example, in studies of intragenerational mobility, measuring opportunity for economic advancement requires longitudinal data. The authors develop and use a class of hybrid functional …

Generalised Linear Models Incorporating Population Level Information: An Empirical Likelihood Based Approach

In many situations information from a sample of individuals can be supplemented by population level information on the relationship between a dependent and explanatory variables. Inclusion of the population level information can reduce bias and …

Statistical Inference for the Relative Distribution

Social scientists are increasingly interested in techniques for comparing changes in distributional shape in addition to mean levels. One such technique is based on the relative distribution, a nonparametric summary of the information required for …

Covariance Models for Latent Structure in Longitudinal Data

We present several approaches to modeling latent structure in longitudinal studies when the covariance itself is the primary focus of the analysis. This is a departure from much of the work on longitudinal data analysis, in which attention is focused …

Combining Registration-System and Survey Data to Estimate Birth Probabilities

With the widespread availability of event-history data, demographers have increasingly eschewed registration-system data in favor of survey data. We propose instead using survey and registration-system data in combination, via a constrained …