
Likelihood-Based Inference for Stochastic Models of Sexual Network Formation

Sexually-Transmitted Diseases (STDs) constitute a major public health concern. Mathematical models for the transmission dynamics of STDs indicate that heterogeneity in sexual activity level allow them to persist even when the typical behavior of the …

An Assessment of Preferential Attachment as a Mechanism for Human Sexual Network Formation

Recent research into the properties of human sexual contact networks has suggested that the degree distribution of the contact graph exhibits power-law scaling. One notable property of this power-law scaling is that for a range of scaling exponents, …

Statistical Evidence Tells Tails of Human Sexual Contacts

There has been a growing interest in the application of social network theory to the epidemiology of sexually-transmitted diseases (STD). This interest arises from recognition that STDs are transmitted through binary contacts and, consequently, …

Bridge Populations in the Spread of HIV/AIDS in Thailand

Objective: To determine the extent to which men provide a bridge population between commercial sex workers (CSW) and the general female population in Thailand. Design: Sexual network and serological data were collected from a systematic quota sample …