
Exposure Notification System activity as a leading indicator for SARS-COV-2 caseload forecasting

We show that smartphone based Exposure Notification systems can significantly improve the accuracy of short-term forecasting of COVID-19 caseloads.

Comparative assessment of alternative methods for evaluating the optimality of ground motion intensity measures using woodframe buildings

Probabilistic performance-based earthquake engineering frameworks depend on the choice of an optimal ground motion intensity measure. We evaluate this choice based on two widely known evaluation metrics: efficiency and sufficiency.

Interval Estimates for Epidemic Thresholds in Two-Sex Network Models

Epidemic thresholds in network models of heterogeneous populations characterized by highly right-skewed contact distributions can be very small. When the population is above the threshold, an epidemic is inevitable and conventional control measures …

Alleviating Linear Ecological Bias and Optimal Design with Subsample Data

In this paper, we illustrate that combining ecological data with subsample data in situations in which a linear model is appropriate provides three main benefits. First, by including the individual level subsample data, the biases associated with …

Improved Regression Estimation of a Multivariate Relationship with Population Data on the Bivariate Relationship

Regression coefficients specify the partial effect of a regressor on the dependent variable. Sometimes the bivariate or limited multivariate relationship of that regressor variable with the dependent variable is known from population-level data. We …

Persistent Inequality? Answers from Hybrid Models for Longitudinal Data

Many questions in social research must be evaluated over time. For example, in studies of intragenerational mobility, measuring opportunity for economic advancement requires longitudinal data. The authors develop and use a class of hybrid functional …

Generalised Linear Models Incorporating Population Level Information: An Empirical Likelihood Based Approach

In many situations information from a sample of individuals can be supplemented by population level information on the relationship between a dependent and explanatory variables. Inclusion of the population level information can reduce bias and …

Model-Based Clustering for Social Networks

Network models are widely used to represent relations among interacting units or actors. Network data often exhibit transitivity, meaning that two actors that have ties to a third actor are more likely to be tied than actors that do not, homophily by …

Likelihood-Based Inference for Stochastic Models of Sexual Network Formation

Sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) constitute a major public health concern. Mathematical models for the transmission dynamics of STDs indicate that heterogeneity in sexual activity level allow them to persist even when the typical behavior of the …

Statistical Correction for Non‐parallelism in a Urinary Enzyme Immunoassay

Our aim was to develop a statistical method to correct for non-parallelism in an estrone-3-glucuronide (E1G) enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Non-parallelism of serially diluted urine specimens with a calibration curve was demonstrated in an EIA for E1G. A …