SEE ALL (in reverse chronological order)


The R software package ergm: A Package to Fit, Simulate and Diagnose Exponential-Family Models for Networks.


The R software package statnet: software tools for the representation, visualization, analysis and simulation of social network data.


The R software package glmc: Fitting Generalized Linear Models Subject to Constraints.

latentnet: software to fit and evaluate latent position and cluster models for statistical networks

The R software package latentnet: software to fit and evaluate latent position and cluster models for statistical networks.

Relative Distribution Methods

For more information on Relative Distribution Methods, including the preface to the book, data sets, and software to implement the methods are available from the Relative Distribution website. The main software is the R software package reldist: Tools for the comparison of distributions.

Resource utilization function

For more information on R software to implement the statistical methods described in the paper Resource utilization by an avian nest predator: relating resources to a probabilistic measure of animal space use, by John M.