Exponential-family random graph model

Practical Network Modeling via Tapered Exponential-family Random Graph Models

In this talk we discuss a new class of models for social networks that which circumvents the issue of near-degeneracy while maintaining the desirable features of exponential-family models.

Practical Network Modeling via Tapered Exponential-family Random Graph Models

In this talk we discuss a new class of models for social networks that which circumvents the issue of near-degeneracy while maintaining the desirable features of exponential-family models.

Practical Network Modeling via Tapered Exponential-family Random Graph Models

Exponential-family Random Graph Models (ERGMs) have long been at the forefront of the analysis of relational data. The exponential-family form allows complex network dependencies to be represented. Models in this class are interpretable, flexible and …

Network Model-Assisted Inference from Respondent-Driven Sampling Data

Respondent-driven sampling is a widely used method for sampling hard-to-reach human populations by link tracing over their social networks. Inference from such data requires specialized techniques because the sampling process is both partially beyond …

A Separable Model for Dynamic Networks

Models of dynamic networks—networks that evolve over time—have manifold applications. We develop a discrete time generative model for social network evolution that inherits the richness and flexibility of the class of exponential family random-graph …

ergm.userterms: A Template Package for Extending statnet

Exponential-family random graph models (ERGMs) represent a powerful and flexible class of models for the statistical analysis of networks. statnet is a suite of software packages that implement these models. This paper details how the capabilities …

Exponential-family Random Network Models

Random graphs, where the connections between nodes are considered random variables, have wide applicability in the social sciences. Exponential-family Random Graph Models (ERGM) have shown themselves to be a useful class of models for representing …

Improving simulation-based algorithms for fitting ERGMs

Markov chain Monte Carlo methods can be used to approximate the intractable normalizing constants that arise in likelihood calculations for many exponential-family random graph models for networks. However, in practice, the resulting approximations …

Modeling Networks from Sampled Data

Network models are widely used to represent relational information among interacting units and the structural implications of these relations. Recently, social network studies have focused a great deal of attention on random graph models of networks …

A statnet Tutorial

The statnet suite of R packages contains a wide range of functionality for the statistical analysis of social networks, including the implementation of exponential-family random graph (ERG) models. In this paper we illustrate some of the …