

The R software package glmc: Fitting Generalized Linear Models Subject to Constraints.

Model-Based Clustering for Social Networks

Network models are widely used to represent relations among interacting units or actors. Network data often exhibit transitivity, meaning that two actors that have ties to a third actor are more likely to be tied than actors that do not, homophily by …

Statistical Inference for the Relative Distribution

Social scientists are increasingly interested in techniques for comparing changes in distributional shape in addition to mean levels. One such technique is based on the relative distribution, a nonparametric summary of the information required for …

Comment on "Estimating or Choosing a Geostatistical Model" by Oliver Dubrule

This is a comment of 'Estimating or Choosing a Geostatistical Model' by Oliver Dubrule. His paper was presented at a conference to honour the remarkable contribution of Michel David in the inception, establishment and development of Geostatistics. …